Sitting Down with the Bookmark Podcast

Growing up, Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library was a second home. At the start of every week, I would venture through my neighborhood with last week’s treasures, ready to trade them in and head back to my house with bag bursting full of new picture books, chapter books, and eventually Young Adult adventures. My freshman year of high school, I remember beginning to venture into the general fiction wing, seeking out all the other works of the authors I was introduced to in literature class. The library was not only a home to me, but also my first ticket out of Topeka, into other worlds and lives and types of consciousness.

After so many years away, with so many different cities’ library cards under my name, I could have never imagined that I would be back within walking distance of the TSCPL, striding through those same automatic doors with my own book under my arm. Last month I had the pleasure of entering the library’s (new to me) tech center to sit down with Autumn Friedli, Chris Blocker, and Miranda Ericsson, hosts of the Bookmark, TSCPL’s very own podcast. We’ve got a two-parter, featuring behind-the-scenes looks at my writing process, influences, and, of course, all the books on my bedside table. Enjoy!

Part one.

Part two.

1 comment

  1. Hi Lara! What fun!  Loved the free and easy chatter about life and books.  One summer, Barb and I (improbably) dropped off Kevin and Dylan in Pittsburgh, KS for basketball camp, so was delighted to hear about Chicken Mary’s/Chicken Annie’s and The Chicken Sisters. Made a list of other good books you brought up, but am most looking forward to your upcoming novel about the woman who, believing she is dying, writes a lot of issue-creating letters!  Great premise. Thanks so much for forwarding the podcast!  Hope all your recent travels were fabulous. Love, Aunt Sue

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